Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Flossie and...

Monster Tom with his teddy Wilson :D

I really really need to start these painting I have in mind because I am planning on having prints soon! I am excited about it but first I need to get started. I always have a hard time hauling all the paint stuff out and switching creative modes. Anyway..


Sandy Mastroni said...

I just leave it all out and step over or around everything ! It's a wonderful mess [ to me anyway , not to my husband ]
can't wait to see your paintings !

Sandy Mastroni said...

I forgot to write that I like Giselle and Melodie !


Thanks Sandy! I know, personally I could live in an artist type atmosphere where the paints are next to the stove and canvases are mixed in next to the plates and cups!! etc, lol but with 3 messy people running around (the kids and the hub) that doesn't look dreamy at all!

sMacThoughts said...

IT's hard to keep up with all these beauties, I want everything!! aaauuahghgah!


THanks Smac :)