Saturday, October 3, 2009

Have Kids at Your own Risk

This is Blanche Blonde Zombie Monster Child....she was inspired by my own monster kid's scene in the grocery store yesterday where I almost had a breakdown in the shampoo aisle....I honestly can't laugh yet. Not really.


Georgina said...

I love the fact you took a bad incident and turned it into something functional or at the very least, funny. Whatever happened, hope you're laughing today...I know how you feel, sometimes you "know" why tigers eat their young!! My babies are all grown up now, but my grandsons are now my daughter's blessings and/or bane, so you're not alone!!! We grandmothers refer to it as "payback!!!" LOL

In spite of the experience, love that little doll...just tooo funny!!!

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Please forgive me, but oh my gosh, you cracked me up! I love her and I love your story.

Wishing you some chuckles today ...

yoborobo said...

junker - all 4 of mine have been complete pirates. I used to think if I could video tape some of the days I had when they were little, I could single-handedly cure the population explosion. :) Hang in there!

The Creative Bohemian said...

Yes, kids can be monsters at times, but it is very therapeutic to get that all out in your art. Hope today weas a better day.


Unknown said...

Have had many aisle breaks...and it gets better then they move out and create issue LOL..U get stronger...Love the doll.


GUYS! Man, thanks for the support....some days I just can't TAKE it, hahahaha

by all your words, i guess the trouble never really stops.....hahahaha

thanks for the support and laughs!!! :D