Thursday, March 11, 2010

WIP Monsts

A couple of monsts in the works for tomorrow night. It's been a long week... Like I think I really aged 10 years this week... that's what the mirror is screaming.


Cindi Myers said...

sorry that you are having a bad week.
(at least your mirror doesn't CRACK like mine when I look into it!)


:D Thanks black, made me laugh!!

The Itsy Bitsy Spill said...

I feel you!! Been feeling like that myself lately. Well, it's the weekend yes. You guys are too funny and so adorable!!

The Itsy Bitsy Spill said...

Catherine, I received her today. She's absolutely darling I love love her so much. She made me smile. I want more and I hope I can get to your etsy quick!! You rock! You are a wonderful monster creator!!