Sunday, December 13, 2009

Stuffed Magazine Vol 3 Winter 2010

I was fortunate to be featured on the Cover of Stuffed Magazine Vol 2 Summer 2009 titled "A Gathering Of Softies." I am so excited to be featured in Stuffed Magazine Vol 3 Winter 2010. This issue of Stuffed Magazine titled "The Crafting Of Softies" was released January 1st 2010 & is A Crafting Of Softies and plush goodness.Go Get It!!!


Gillian said...

Congratulations! It is nice when someone "finds" you isn't it?

: )

Vintage Market Place said...

OMG that is so wonderful!! Congrats!
I will be on the look out for it.
What a great Christmas gift!

Rot said...


VERY cool news.

You totally deserve it, of course.

yoborobo said...

So cool, junker. I will snap up a copy here on the east coast! :) YAY!!!!!

Cindi Myers said...

WaHoo! Congrats! I can't wait to get a copy! You totally deserve it!
How exciting!

Unknown said...

Congrats sweetie...well deserved.


the messy nest said...


I'm in this issue too, and I can't wait for it to arrive :)

suze said...

Congrats again!

Sidereal Day said...

Congratulations! You have so much talent, you absolutely deserve it!

zeropumpkin said...

omg they are so cute..:D congrats :D


Hey, thanks EVERYONE! It's really exciting to get in once again :)

AND I ENCOURAGE ALL PLUSH MAKERS to submit to the next issue!!!!!!!!

Sandi D said...


LEFTZ said...

Congrats again!

cornel said...

Well done! You are soooo talented!

Rupydetequila by Ruth Fitta said...

Gongratulations ! Your work is adorable !
Besito desde España =)