Sunday, June 22, 2008

I just recently sold Matilde, who is my only beady eyed monst (that's what we call monsters in my house , just MONST) Anyway, I am already missing Matilde who was one of my favorites... so I decided to make another beady eyed doll and I came up with a little sketch and I started and finished it tonight. I have a "intheworks"pic but no finished pic because my batteries are dead and gone. This doll is cute but came out looking goth which wasn't my intention. I love her beady eyes but she is a little too "polished" for me, I like my monsters junkier, :) But I will show you the little fraulein tomorrow....

Alice Monster

The newest girl in JunkerTown, haha.
Alice likes to chase butterflies and is never caught without her signature bow.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fanciful Twist

I dunno if any of you know of Fanciful Twist yet but you really should go and have a look. This next week she is having a party :) Maybe I will be able to participate, I really can never say with my crazy kid schedule.... Still, it should prove some amazing eye candy!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Bettina has always been a library cat. Bettina aches to travel, especially to Rome.

Bettina is made from recycled fabrics and buttons.

Happy Friday

This is one of my little muses.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lazy days sorta

Well no day can be too lazy when you have kids, but we have had family visiting and have been out and about. I am working on a new pillow. They are my Happy Pillows, I am calling them that because they are so colorful and have smiley faces. Just what everyone needs to see first thing every morning! :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Oh! I've been featured on a blog... . How nice :) It came at the right time too because I was having some moments of self doubt, hehe. I hate these times. But I was called kickass... Thanks Craftershock!! :)