Thursday, December 11, 2008

Six Random Things about Me

I've been tagged by Marchi :)

1. My favorite perfume is gardenia but I LOVE the smell of tar and turpentine.

2. I love fresh blankets and pillowcases right out of the dryer.

3. The sound of crazy rain and wind comforts me.

4. I have only parallel parked once....for the test. I will drive extra time to find a parking spot that doesn't require parallel parking.

5.I let the water run while brushing my teeth.

6. I have never worn proper heels.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So cute I wanna eat them up like little petits fours!!

Sorry if that grossed you out.
Monster Ursuline and Monster Tipitina.

New bunch

Hey :)

I have a new bunch. Here are a few of them, I still have more but I am beat, from staying up late and spending the day at my daughter's preschool. I need to catch a breather and then I will start posting them all on Etsy and Flickr.