Monday, October 12, 2009

No rhyme or reason really

Monster Lucy, Zombie Boy Carlos and Monster Elaine

Monster Lucy came in the door,empty handed, mussed from chasing the dog, who had gotten a hold of her homework... ran.... and ate it. REALLY!

Zombie Carlos made his way through the dimly lit neighborbood, his monster arm dragging beside him. An old woman stood at her kitchen sink and saw Zombie Carlos dragging passed outside...she figured it was a just a child a bit excited and impatient for Halloween...

It irked Monster Elaine's mother that Elaine would only wear pink...but as a mother she knew it wise and saved energy to pick your battles.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Madame Spider

Voodoo Zombie Alain

Via Hens Teeth

I saw this photo on HensTeeth blog. If you view it large it looks super yummy. I know it's October but I am already beginning to think Christmas monster :D
For some reason this photo made me think of what direction i am going to try for for the Christamas "look"...anywho....later I will have a batch of monsters...trying for a batch before Halloween! I have to go out and get supplies though.....Happy Sunday :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Something in the Works

I am taking the kids to the movies today to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs :)
I love just being in the movie theatre...... :)