Saturday, March 13, 2010

Monsters Oda and Snowdrop

Summore dolls! I'm so tired. I was up late last night and I am gonna try to see a movie tonight but we'll see if i just pass out on the couch.....sofa....couch....

Flower Names

I LOVE 'em!!!

This is Monster Bluebell.

Monster Ragdoll Larkspur

More WIP's

These are more wip's from last night, but I was up so late that nothing was looking right! i almost threw them out but this morning I can see my original vision :D

Friday, March 12, 2010

What the hell is the definition of art anyway?

It occured to me today that my creations, which started out like toy softies have evolved into more of a soft scuplture/artdoll.

And I have to say that they used to be 60% machine sewn and 40 % handsewn, but now it is the opposite. I handsew so many details, which I love to do!

I have always had to keep my creations evolving because I am not content to make the same thing over and over again. I want to see what else will come next! It's the newness that keeps it exciting, fun and magic for me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

WIP Monsts

A couple of monsts in the works for tomorrow night. It's been a long week... Like I think I really aged 10 years this week... that's what the mirror is screaming.