Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Dolls

I have 2 more but can't post them till tomorrow.
I never did see TV last night....I knocked out with the kids :D

Friday, March 19, 2010


I tried a plastic eye.... we'll see....
I keep that jumbled mess of scraps/floss around because it inspires me! :D
My back is sore from sewing today....I am BEAT....can't remember when I last felt relaxed :D
I'm waiting for the kids to knock out so i can watch Tv... GLORIOUS TV.... :D

Junker Jane WIP Doll

Monster Bunny Anemone

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Monster Bunny Primrose

Fluffy Oblivion

I found this clown head last year at a junk shop. Somehow he is at home on the pink fur :D
I am hoping to do summore junk shopping this next week during spring break. I am on a lusty hunt for doll parts...arms, legs...heads....:D
Anyway, just waking up to coffee here and trying to figure out how to do all I need and still leave some space in the brain for new ideas :)