Friday, April 2, 2010

Junker Jane Voodoo

Three new Voodoo guys.
Voodoo Sylvain.
Voodoo Sebastien.
and Voodoo Montague.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Peggy and Fibbis

Monster Fibbis likes to stretch the truth...if you know what I mean, but she means well in the end.

Monster Edwina

To Monster Edwina I added a plastic doll hand, wire sewn to lips and a plastic eye.

Clarence and Bessie

Meet Clarence and Bessie. I have more coming, too!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Junker Jane Voodoo Doll

Oh, it's been forever since I made a voodoo!

Amarante is the french form of the flower name Amarantha meaning unfading.

I'll be posting those buttons to Etsy soon :)

Junker Jane Pinback Buttons!

I finally got around to getting these made! i love 'em, they make me smile, especially the doodled doll heads :D
They will come 4 in a set. I will offer 4 Your Choice as well as the sets I have paired up!