Friday, April 9, 2010

Monster Parsley

I love Spring, more Summer, and gardening....names of flowers and herbs.... I haven't planted a garden in years but I will again someday...anyway here is a ragdoll, I have more coming...but for some reason I have ADD lately :D So I am SLOW....

Junker Jane Voodoo Macaire

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Junker Jane Giveaway!

Leave a comment on your Least Favorite movie of all and be entered for a chance to win all of these items:
A. 1 issue of Stuffed Magazine vol.3 2010
B. "Charlie" Featured in Stuffed Magazine
C. 1 print of your choice from my Etsy shop
D. All 20 Pinback Buttons from my Etsy shop

Random drawing to be held Sunday 4-11-2010 at 5:00pm Pacific time

My day...

started out totally I just wanted to scream...but I got out and thank the heavens the sun came out and all the world is in blossom right now. WEnt down to Mississippi Ave, stopped at The Rebuilding Center that has bins of lusty rusty hardware and got a small box of junk...then got a big fat cookie because you only live once at The Fresh Pot...their bathroom has this tall wooden Victorian looking door covered in blessed graffiti but my pic didn't do it justice so I didn't post it...walked into Flutter, oohed and ahhed because they have so much delicious stuff, and floated out with some gorgeous ribbon that inspired me because I HAVE BEEN IN A RUT, but now I am not! Anyway, my day improved.

The most darling damn book ever printed

I forget where and when I got this book, but it's been years. It's one of my favorite children's books ever. So sweet and adorable I can't stand it really. Mud Pies and Other Recipes. A cookbook for dolls. For dolls. So sweet. I think we all played this way as children anyway, but to see all of these "recipes" in print. So sigh worthy.
Woodchip Dip. Sigh.
Pencil Sharpener Pudding.
Marigold Madness:
Shred several marigolds into a pan and fill with water. Set in the sun to simmer. When the liquid has turned to gold, strain into bowls and put in the shade to cool. Serve chilled.
If you ever come across this sweet little book at a yard sale or wherever I say snatch it up fast even if you have to knock over large pieces of furniture and people to grab it.