Monday, October 11, 2010

Witchy Hilde for Etsy

I made a seasonal plush for Etsy. Her name is Hilde and she's a witch. Despite what you might think she is wearing her favorite expression!

You can find my other works at Pop Gallery-Santa Fe :)

I'm Mellllllllting!

WIP doll. She's a spur of the moment season doll I will put up on Etsy later.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I was working on an Etsy spur of the moment whambam for sale Halloween doll. But my machine is being a bitch or witch, whatever you prefer...... so it's taking all my strength to walk back to it. Ugh.

Twinkle lights at dusk make me happy

...hell, dusk light period makes me happy :D


Unself Portrait.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Watcher in the Woods

...reminds me of that movie I loved as a kid :)

Good thing we took a walk yesterday because it is raining today.