Friday, October 2, 2020

It feels good to be productive finally!

As an artist nothing feels worse than not being able to create for whatever reason. It's like being dead alive.  Finally making monsters again!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

It's October

 I took a clear photo but this one feels right.

I'm behind on monster goods but life is being a little *itch. New stuff soon 🙂

Sunday, September 27, 2020


 Just pics for the season.  Bell Book and Candle is one of my fave movies. I wanted a poster of the movie but found the American version dull so I bought the Italian version. The German version is amazing too and I'm getting that one next. I've been behind on lots of doll work but I'll try to catch up.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

I made pumpkin muffins because it isn't my busy season and I don't have dolls to finish

Insert heavy sarcasm.  Honestly I'm just happy I caught the Fall bug because I was kinda in the dumps. But no more! Working on all kinds of WIPS 🖤🎃💀


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

New stuff in works

 I am working on approx eight new dolls but all are in WIP looks. Most wip pics look the same so I don't have much to post in the pic way. Here are pics of my week.