Monday, August 4, 2008


Blogger sucks

I may switch. I can't post photos for hours :(


I know I haven't been around making crafty things but my mom and sister have been visiting and we have been going out. We have hit quite a few yard sales and I have come home with some great junk :)
After bringing it all home I noticed a pattern... yellow green yellow green :)
I collect homemade clay crafts and I found this amazing head vase! The eyes are really not defined and that makes it look spooky. I so adore it!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Fun colorful pins.
I am thinking of new inspiration. Movies? Books? What direction should I go in?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


If I was to live with only the things I truly LOVED.... I think I'd only have the Victorian style sofa and side chair which are in the darkest basement corner , my pirate head vase, Frenchy girl white pouf Halloween wig... :D

These are my Monster Bits.
