Friday, September 5, 2008

Skulls and....who needs anything else!?

:D This is on the way to my daughter's school. Gotta love who did this!! Hehe.

Art Car

Yesterday we went to breakfast in Sellwood and nearby was car extraordinaire! I am a huge fan of art cars and my heart always does a flip when I see one.

Grinning Grim

I have been busy adjusting to the new school year schedule. I'm doing alright waking up at 6 AM with no snooze button cheats :D I have found that being up early is better for my brain and attitude throughout the day.

I just got around to making something new because I have been too tired to do anything once the kids go to bed.

This is Grinning Grim. Although he is in perfect time for Halloween this is the kinda thing I keep out all year long :D

He is made with recycled fabrics, of course.

Monday, September 1, 2008

No pics

Okay for two days I have been at the mall with my two kids ....just me and them O___O...I was the parent with the crying whiney kids who looked like she needed a flask of whiskey.
I'm not a big fan of the mall normally,but these days before school starts were nuts!! I'm nuts for waiting till the last minute! never again...

Anyway hopefully everything gets back into a normal routine soon. I don't know what i am going to make next....

Okay, I'm beat


Friday, August 29, 2008

The Rabbit

The Rabbit is full of tales if you can get them out of it.


I love wonky things. I love wonky stitches. I love to see the stitching on things. This is just a wonky little pillow, sturdy but quirky.