Wednesday, June 3, 2009

If you want magic...

Nowadays I am inspired by the city, but once upon a time the woods beckoned and I believed all it had to say. The Hermitage reminds me of those days... and they make me want to go back.

Prints to the shop soon!

I am adding prints to my shop in a couple if weeks and so I have been so busy painting! That's why the monster conveyor belt stopped :D
But not for long!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

JunkerJane and Stuffed Magazine

I guess I can tell now that not only are my monsts gonna be in the new STUFFED issue but they are on the cover, too!!! I am so thrilled! You cannot know :) And extremely thankful!! here is the cover. It comes out July 1 st. I am sooooooooo excited to see it in person and to see what other awesome plushies they discovered!! Check it out when it hits the bookstores, it's sure to be fun :)
Oh and it's kinda sweet too, that the two they chose for the cover are the two I named after my girls, Bella and Bianca :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Voodoo Kitty

Cats have always creeped me out. I am convinced they are possessed by ancient Egyptian souls! They have never seemed like a pet but instead somewhat human-ish to me. Weird I know, but hey! We all have our quirks!
No animal harm is encouraged, just a voodoo to keep those cats at maybe they won't just sit there perched on a fence, staring at you.....creeping you out!
Maybe I should keep it :D

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I know I already posted today, but

I just ADORE these skulls. All by Brian Morris. Man.
I've been tagged by A BIT OF PILLI PILLI and so I am supposed to reveal 7 things about me. I already did this before but ah well. I am gonna do it now with these pics because one of the things I will say about me is that:

1. I have no tattoos but would LOVE to have them all up and down my arms. Mainly skulls. My mom is gonna faint...

2. I get more excited over found junk than jewelry. Ask the hub...

3.I love pork rinds, but rarely eat them. Hahahaha...

4. I won't tell you my fave current song because it's embarrassing.... :D

5. My fave color is green...olivey type green.

6. I hate to cook.

7. I like to chew on coffee beans... with no chocolate.

Happy Saturday

It's gonna be another hot day so that means another park day. This time I'll take something to work on because I can only magazine flip for so long.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday :)