Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Captain's Widow

I'm not being lazy by just giving her a title, it's just that I think the title and that watery blue eye say a lot on their own.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Places on Hawthorne Ave.

Usually every week we'd go out for coffee in the morning and walk around and take photos, but these past few weeks other things have come up and I finally got out today to do just that.
Yeah it was with the kids now that school is out and it wasn't so relaxed, but still. I got summore posted flyers and I am happy about that.
These kids are going to bed TOO LATE! And I can't seem to find creative time at night anymore, it's more than irritating....I think I need to get them up at 5 am....I'm kinda crabby, sorry.
Anyway, enjoy these pics :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009


Oh, sad sad day when Eustacia's beau sailed away. Upon learning he was lost at sea, Eustacia resigned herself to float the halls of her father's house.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Mistress

As the light fell low over the land and the nervous and excitable villagers once again feared to sleep now that the house on the hill had a new and strange Mistress.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Love Story Voodoos

Again,I didn't mean to make a pair but these two share a thoughtful look that connects them. By that look their story reads tragic. And so in keeping them together you can see their divide.

Sentimental love fool?
