Thursday, August 13, 2009

You'll not find a sexier cardboard button eye anywhere on the internet

Stanley's keen sense of smell was highly regarded among the other monster boys, who's favorite pastime was to sniff out the most disgusting things possible. All dead and rotten hopefully.

Pauly's long arm was forever dragging picking up dirty bits of this and his mother's chagrin.

Meet Princess. Who needs a guard dog when ya got Princess?!

My new funky junky monsters that I love so much because I finally started to use those oddball spare parts from other things. They are a little junkier the way I like 'em!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Submissions for the next STUFFED Mag

These are some of my submissions for the next STUFFED Mag. I am in love with that Franken-Creature, so when he he is returned to me I'm so keeping him. His colors are my favorite colors all combined. It just happened accidently.
It been raining here.
Had to have my coffeee black today because I am out of creamer and milk. Better than no coffee, I guess.
Blah Blah
Trying to stay afloat

More deep thoughts from JunkerJane

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yesterdays big woo hoo craft

Bianca was crafting with uncooked pasta noodles and styrofoam cups and tissue paper and I actually made a "vampire" with those ingredients, haha, but she recycled my craft into her "cake". So I started doodling.
I had plans to sew last night since I came up with some new monster doodle at the park while they played....but, I opted for a movie instead which I didn't care for as it turns out.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Voodoo Doughnut Too/Two/2

We went for a ride and thought we'd go to the Voodoo Doughnut downtown, but there was a crazy line so we tried the Voodoo 2 instead. It's pinker and happier. I like it. Some pics.

Outsider Sanity

I love primitive folky art and outsider this and that. I especially love phrases painted on paint. I made my own today. I was starting to stress out about everything and then I got sick of myself and thought Just Suck It Up, ya know?! Stop whining already. Because I have had issues lately :D
But thinking that Suck it up phrase wasn't working so I took it out on paint and wood. Now I am okay. Weirdo.


Okay something cheery. I found this in a box from 4 years ago. I sewed this little pig from scraps including Bella's baby sock. It was to be framed, but pretty much all my personal projects never leave the to be stage :D