Saturday, November 14, 2009

Went out for a bit

After being at home all week, we just had to get out for a bit. We stopped by House of Vintage again on Hawthorne Blvd and I snapped some pics.
I love wigs and wig heads. I also spotted this framed print of Kim Novak with her cat Pyewacket from the movie Bell, Book and Candle.....which is one of my favorite movies. See it, it's about a witch, but it's a charming romance. Jimmy Stewart is in is Jack Lemmon and Elsa Lanchester. It's the perfect Christmassy movie that is equally Halloweenish :D
Anyway, is winter almost over?

Chalkboard Therapy

Hahahaha. It's been a long week of being cooped up all togetherwintercoldsthing......can you say stircrazzzzzzzzzzy?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Christmassy Monsts

So far my Christmas plush plans (the plush I dreamed up) haven't been but these are Christmassy kinda.
According to the clock in my head I still feel like it's October, not stinkin' November/CHRISTMAS...hahaha. I wish the season didn't feel so rushed. I do the scrooge thing for a bit and finally I will get all warm and fuzzy for the holidays...almost too late :D But we'll see....I need to rent Holiday Inn and drink something spiced NOW so I can jumpstart my jolly mood :D

Monster Lundy