I have known of Mike Brodie for a few years now. He takes amazing photographs and is like a train hopper hobo by choice :D Look him up, I am not good at descriptions. He and friends are like modern day gypsies and I swear, he has no real links or contact info. I've tried or I stink at research. Most of the time his links are crap. I admire them and I wish I had the guts to be like him/them. If you know how to contact them, let me know. I just wanna give them some beer money.
I love Mike Brodie! I find an empathy in his work, I spent much time in the Australian variant of railway punks- ferals. We're more about the forest than a railway but apart from that we were the same tribe.
He used to have a website up that included a contact but it seems to have vanished. Luckily for me I know how to scratch the internet so it gives up an archive:
If that link works for you then there's a contact in the corner. If not- brodiebike at hotmail dot com
Cool pics. :) Do you know Rima at the Hermitage? She's my current "if I lived another life" candidate. A gypsy!
forgot the link:
Love the photos but I would miss a good shower! It also makes me wonder what they do all day (and boy would I love that kind of freedom).
Thanks so much, Little! And wow that you experienced that kinda life :)
I freak out without daily showers :D I can't even camp...I know what a wuss...
Yobo, I will look her up!
ODD, Yeah :D
hey so awhile back when plrds.com still workd i did a bunch of research and actually found brodies email address... we corresponded a few times... if you would like his email please email me, chazrdous@live.com
and i'll get it to ya...
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