The kids got these glow sticks from a neighbor friend tonight, so I told them to STOP doing whatever it was they were doing and run around crazy-like. Look at all the legs :D
Friday, July 31, 2009
Glow sticks and somebody is up late
The kids got these glow sticks from a neighbor friend tonight, so I told them to STOP doing whatever it was they were doing and run around crazy-like. Look at all the legs :D
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Our Wonderful World
A few weeks ago I got a bunch of these OUR WONDERFUL WORLD books (kinda like encyclopedias) from a free box from a leftover yard sale. Just this evening I looked inside and they are filled with all of these great images! I am going to make JunkerJane tags from them.
When I was down in Southern Oregon I was looking through some of my old boxes that are still in my mother in law's garage and I discovered about 15 old old encyclopedias (the year 1895!!!)that I bought for 10 bucks at that big Jacksonville, Oregon town yard sale in which the whole town is one big yard sale! That was ages ago, friends.....I feel guilty cutting them up, so I will just save them for one day when I actually have a library(a room devoted to books....only....dreaming??)
Small towns don't seem to have posted flyers of anything. ANYTHING. It's not fun. So now that I am back from my small town vacation I am loving the posted flyers all over again. These are not the best but it was all I could get yesterday :)
And I am a fan of public bathroom art/graffiti so I am always trying to snap photos of it :D
I have vague ideas of what I am going to start sewing next. It feels cooler today so maybe I'll start new dolls today.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Portland Today....or Kiddie Pools Save Lives...or shite, my Flickr Pro account expired and I can't upload anymore till I pay out more money and I ...
... am such a Flickr junkie!
Another hot day but we all hopped in the car and went for a loooong drive in the air condtioned ride to an air conditioned coffee house. Yeah. The coffee house was the Concordia on Alberta which I never been, but it was cool. i had this iced black tea with a different flavor...but for the life of me I can't remember what it was!! I gave the camera to the kids because they usually take interesting shots that I don't ever think of, but they thought it was reallllly funny to take pics of the hubs and very funny kids. No way am I posting pics, blurry or not, of my a....
On the way we spotted two peeps with their feet inna pool in front of a book/something shop. Smart.
Then at a Dead End Street somebody had some sense of humor :D
I love Portland.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I'm mellllllllllting....
Monday, July 27, 2009
Back in Portland
...I'm sitting here, in the heat no matter that it's dark with no air trying to get cool. I've said it before and before. We have no air. Um, the next time we move we WILL HAVE air. This green tomato photo is from my mom's garden. I dunno what the deal was but the whole time we were there not one tomato ripened! What the hell?
My sister was taking a bunch of stuff to Goodwill and I snagged these books among others from her. I love the Poe cover. I dunno if I am gonna read Junky as it is sure to depress me. I kinda got interested in William S. Burroughs when I read On the Road by Jack Kerouac...but as On the Road was great, yet depressing as hell to me I dunno if I should. The entire read of On the Road I could feel his emptiness...Now everytime I see a photo of Jack Kerouac I wanna cry. Serious.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Simple and rustic
I grabbed an old issue of Gourmet magazine this morning and flipped through it while I had my coffee. I came upon this simple dining photo. Ahhhhhhh. It's so basic and simple. It's heaven to me. Makes me want white walls. Makes me want to keep it all natural and rustic.
Tomorrow we go back to Portland and I guess we are going back to a heat wave...105. Niiiiice.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monster Watercolor
Being at my parents' I don't have all my art crap with me except my paper pad and pencil :D This has led me to want to sketch. And because I am inspired now I used waterever I had handy and that is the kids' Crayola watercolors :D They are not the same to use because they are thick and dry gel like, but the point is I am inspired and am having so much FUN with these ideas :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Old Things
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Rogue River
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