Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's what's for dinner

Not really technically, but more often than not my kids would rather eat cereal than what I cook.
I am not a big milk person and it has to be VERY cold for me to use it in cereal which I have twice a year approx. I like Smacks but adore Lucky Charms!

Remember Monster Cynthia?


Cindi Myers said...

How funny! I can't stand milk either! It has to be skim or maybe lowfat and icy cold. Once I had the frig temp up too high and it pouring out in ice slivers - it was actually kinda ok. Then someone told me to try Vanilla Soy Milk (has to be vanilla) and I bought it but everytime I went to open it my "gag" reflex went into overtime. Finally I tried it and I was actually quite tasty with cereal, but forget drinking any of that stuff straight!

Unknown said...

Oh cereal night has always been my kids fav and mine LOL...Ive never made a monster must try it.

Sonia ;)

zeropumpkin said...

hehe for sure i will remember her.shes my fav :D

Melissa said...

I LOVE cereal for dinner, but my boyfriend does not agree. I have to do it on the rare night I have to myself. My fave is Lucky Charms, too, but I also love Captain Crunch and Fruity Pebbles.