Friday, June 11, 2010


Working on some dolls now. That's a WIP painting I most likely won't get back to till next month.
It's cloudy. Tomorrow sun, I think. HOPE....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Miss Muffet-ish

Finished painting that has "unfinished parts" purposely. I wanna big lashy eye like that :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Old House

Driving home through downtown Portland yesterday I saw this house in-between newer buildings. The contrast of it made it POP! But this house is amazing no matter.
Sewing and creating today :)
oh, yesterday was perfect 73 degress and sunshine...we went to an amusement it is pouring rain again,'s okay its welcomed today :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grey vs Gray

This weather is definitely messing with my head. It's cold and rainy like winter.... I played different versions of Summertime this morning kinda like an offering to the heavens....a reminder that's its practically June. It's been GRAY for 2 weeks. It's getting to me. Depressing. The forecast shows gray for days ahead. I'm bitching I know, but my spirit needs some yella. I was blog looking and saw that some kids back eastish were in a kiddie pool......! What?!
I'm gonna bundle up later in a blanket and watch a comfort movie to comfort my drearies.