Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I used to sew, ya know...

haha, mini break......summer does that to ya.......


Other Love

Last year I started a fun "campaign" on flickr called Dress up for Halloween or Die and I made myself up in several costumes to inspire people to dress up :D While taking those pics I noticed I could get certain effects in low light and slow shutter speed. Before this campaign I only took photos to sell my dolls on Etsy. I found I just LOVE experimenting with the camera. I don't use any programs like Photoshop to alter the photos because I don't know how, haha, and I am not even sure I want to learn anymore because I love the raw and natural state of the photos I am learning to capture. The only editing I use is is changing the color contrasts sometimes.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

If yer gonna get me a gift...

I don't see my parents too often, so when they came by this weekend unexpectedly my dad brought me this treasure he's been scouting for me :D
Woo hoo :)