Monday, August 18, 2008

New Junkus

Skulls, dollheads, voodoo....I must have been dropped on my head as a baby OR I had another life in New Orleans, hehe. Whatever the case these are my loves including Halloween, costumes, just all around good masked fun!
I have added a Happy Skull pillow to my shop as well as a Voodoo Boy and Girl. They aren't real, just my romantized take on voodoo.

Oh, have you ever heard of Skull A Day blog? You should know about it! :D

I added a link to the list.


First, after these insanely hot days I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thrilled that we have rain! And a cool breeze...ahhh. When you don't have central air you can't function :D

Also this is the squirrel I made for a customer request. I don't always take custom orders unless I have an idea for it because sometimes I just can't force myself to come up with anything. I did have fun making up a squirrel though because I doubt I would have attempted it on my own.

I have some new items to put up today, hopefully the cloudy day light won't give me too much trouble.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sweet Paul

This is a beautiful blog. There are so many great photos by this stylist. Dreamy. I have the link on my list.


Judy is a monster girl. Judy knows she adds a burst of pop anywhere she goes because of her red and white polkadot body. Judy is no wallflower.

Judy is pictured with a yardsale book find. I love old books, too.

Henry the Imp

Henry is a wee imp who loves to collect dust bits. Henry is working on collecting the biggest ball of dust in history.If you purchase Henry you may notice a decline in the time you devote to dusting.

Henry is made from recycled fabrics and buttons. Henry's striped body is made from a shirt.

Henry is sitting on an unfinished side table that i painted and junked up with smashed bottlecaps. I LOVE bottlecaps and always will. I love bottlecap art, which some wince at. I love trash :D

Friday, August 15, 2008

Nail Biting

Okay, first look at this wonderful, magnificent painted piece of furniture....wardrobe. Just beautiful and to die for!! I have an old 30's wardrobe that we retired to the basement because it didn't fit in our small new living room. I could do something like this to it. I could but.... but I am a truly truly kid at heart who has not forgotten the magic of fairytales, etc and so I imagine my 30's wardrobe (that's in the basement) like the one from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe... How can i paint an authentic piece of furniture???? This is always my dilemma! Sigh sigh sigh.....I want to funk it up, kinda like a Bloomsbury, but then....sigh. What to do?? I found these great pics through:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pirate Kitty

Veronique is a fun quirky pirate kitty made with recycled fabrics in urban cottage colors.