Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mike Brodie AKA Polaroid Kidd

I have known of Mike Brodie for a few years now. He takes amazing photographs and is like a train hopper hobo by choice :D Look him up, I am not good at descriptions. He and friends are like modern day gypsies and I swear, he has no real links or contact info. I've tried or I stink at research. Most of the time his links are crap. I admire them and I wish I had the guts to be like him/them. If you know how to contact them, let me know. I just wanna give them some beer money.

Thanks to the Crockpot...

I was able to make Madame X Voodoo.
The lighting is different now that summer is almost here. Take a look-see... my only dependable light is at 9-ish in the morning but I don't have that kinda patience!!

I am not fond of Cool Ranch Doritos

Couldn't think of a title :D

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Today we took the kids to a local amusement park, The Enchanted Forest. It was fun :)
I'll never be too old for a log ride :D
But while they went into this dragon fighting ride for the tenth time I was looking around and saw that they had this puppets from around the world window. !!!
That was my treasure find of the day. Here are some pics.
I love them all. They are so amazing to me. Especially their wear and tear. It reminds me of this time I wandered away from the house to see this traveling puppet show...I musta been about 4 and I saw this wagon...yeah, wagon in Los Angeles and pushed my baby bro on his bike to see this puppet show. In my mind it was far because I was only 4 and it musta been far enough because I remember my mom was scolding me for wandering off. But there was this puppet show happening and it was magic, of course. Everything is at 4.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kids should be the ones to work

...the energy.
After hours in the sun and I AM THE ONE to come home drowsy and beat....um....what's wrong here?
And it's funny what people (people you don't know....sales people... grocery checkers, gas attendants....) will let you know during your brief visit....you just have to laugh and relate :D

Monster Norma

I like making these eye patches. I'm trying to combine a ratttier look to my monsts. I like the contrast. Everything is about contrast, I find :)